I'm so sorry to disagree with you. It may very well be a massage and handjob, but she is nude, and luscious. It's extremely difficult to not thinking of, and wanting to fondle her....and more, for me, or for anyone, I think. If she wants to avoid being fondled, why is she nude. She could give him a great massage...and a hand job as well, with her clothes on. It's a fine line, I agree, but many would call that cock teasing....which is OK if you're into that, but a difficult place to be if you're not. I have to question why you're so upset though. If it was a Nudist colony, or clothes free Spa, I wouldn't think of touching her if she wasn't touching his cock. Once she does that, the whole dynamic changes. Which, if fine, and lovely...until someone decides to make an issue of it.